For my first post on the blog, I am going share a couple of my initial observations and some photos for your viewing pleasure.
Observation 1:
Being able to watch the NBA finals in Bombay was one of the best things I could have wished for ("tanks to technology")...until the game actually started. Elation quickly turned to depression.
Observation 2:
Apparently it is completely normal to pull over along the side of the road and pee if you need to. So far the count is at 10 within the 24 hours we have been here. Awesome.
Observation 3:
Showering with a bucket and cold water is breathtaking...literally.
Observation 4:
Everyone here dresses like an LA hipster. Either it is completely by accident or they are an ironic inspiration
On the way to Mumbai airport...a familiar sight
Don't let the propellers fool you. Kingfisher Airlines needs to come stateside.
The first 3 fellows
Traffic in Hubli
Our room
Here I am making our room mosquito proof with a polyester sheet and clear tape. Innovation and engineering at its finest.
Stay tuned...
Good to see you guys are doing well. Here is what I really want to know:
a) How explosive has your diarrhea been?
b) Are you cooking your own food like the stuff you would make in the US, or are you eating a lot more native dishes?
c) Do the people appreciate how cute and panda-like Jeff is? Also, who do they claim?
d) What do people in India think
about M. Night Shamayalaylimayalan? Do they root for the hometown guy, or do they acknowledge that he's a classic example of the law of diminishing returns and his new movies suck?
e) how long do you think it will be before you need to go to the US Embassy because of something that Sagar did?
Thanks for the great pictures and observations!
Sagar you guys are having fun and just be careful with those water heater and food and crossing streets.
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