Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I am writing you from the business class airport lounge in Hong Kong where we wrote our first post from. I am almost home. Our blog received 2045 hits while we were in India. That also happens to be the next time I will go to India. Januray 2045. Just kidding but I did meet up with Jeff during my time in HK and we talked about how life was different when not in India. Anyways, I also wanted to share with you some media exposure we have gotten: http://edition.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/07/23/usc.india/index.html yep! we're on CNN. We all wrote 2-4 posts which they should put up soon too. Instead of blogging we were writing professional blog posts for CNN so I guess thats the real reason we stopped posting on the blog. I am sure this blog will kind of die once we stop posting so there a good chance this will be the last entry until the USC team from next year goes back to Hubli. For now take care and thanks for reading about us!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The last day...
Monday, July 21, 2008
The last days in Hubli
SO we have been busy on the ground here and have not really had a chance to keep our readers updated. We just finished our last school yesterday and in total interacted with 1200 local students throughout our time here. We also got our pamphlets for healthcare professionals and patients and will be distributing them in our last few days here. We also found out we are in two newspapers: a local language paper and the Times of India. We also had a press conference yesterday with two other newspapers. Finally, we wrote up our story for CNN and are hoping that perhaps they will publish our stories. If we can post a link for that we will. It has been a great experience but all of us can't wait to get home to the good ol USA. Sorry for the lack of updates but we promise better things from us soon!
Monday, July 14, 2008
On the trails of the Anti-Gutka Campaign
India. A fourth trip. One like never before. A trip where I come to give and not just get. A trip where I am "prepared" for what lies ahead. It is my motherland and the combination of my cultural awareness and education give me the tools to initiate a change. I am a medical student. I understand work ethic and I can and will continue the arduous battle towards perfection. But wait, there’s so much personal sacrifice. Isn’t being a doctor and devoting my life to helping others enough? This is my last summer. Ever. I can choose to do anything, why would I ever choose to give up my amenities and lavish lifestyle in sunny Los Angeles? Gutka.
Gutka is a sweet tobacco product designed in India. It is a white granular substance and when placed in the mouth, morphs into a vermilion red liquid that is spat out. It is more addictive than cigarettes and more dangerous than dip. It comes in a dynamic array of flavors ranging from chocolate to fresh mint but is most popular in a flavor that brings together many spices used in Indian desserts. It was marketed as a fast option to paan, a similar tobacco product rolled in a fresh leaf and eaten as a mouth refresher after meals throughout India. Paan, while dangerous, has been around for centuries. It wasn’t until the late nineties that the gutka market emerged. Much like the overflow of crack into the streets of urban and ethnic neighborhoods in the late 80’s, gutka has torn through the lower socioeconomic classes all over India. It is highly addictive, fairly innocuous (during early use), and marketed as a safer alternative to cigarettes. While gutka is certainly known to be harmful, the extent of its dangers have not been conveyed to most of India. The creators, in search for a successful tobacco product seemed to mimic the recipe used by the discoverers of crack: they mixed every addictive substance they could find, every carcinogen, some glamor, but this time they added taste. It was a recipe for disaster. Some products have been found to cause oral cancer in less than 6 months. Oral cancer is not in the top ten amongst cancer incidence in the United States. In India, it is the most incident cancer amongst males. The trends are alarming in that the problem is getting worse. The scariest thing as that apart from a few large studies and localized action from individual states, there have not been major steps to create awareness of this problem. With a population of a billion, any problem that affects India on such a large scale automatically becomes a problem of the world. I know my impact may be small but with sustainability being my goal and molding our project around the idea that it can be replicable, I know we can begin something. With that in mind, the sacrifice of the last summer of my life and the challenge and excitement of being in my motherland don’t seem so daunting. I’m ready to give and to get.
KIMS Med Student Superstars
Friday, July 11, 2008
Our First Session: Chaos in Hubli
When we got to the school we decided to split the 8th and 9th grade apart so that we could educate them separately. Thank god for that. The students arrived in the auditorium queit, in single file, with an excited glow about them. Jeff introduced the group (in a flashy Indian accent nonetheless) and we took questions from the students about life in the US. They did not ask us about Hollywood, music, or Disneyland. Nope. These 8th graders aare different. They asked us about career choice, attaining a green card and/or a visa, and about the process of opening a business as an immigrant. Interesting…Nonetheless, gifted them the comic which they all enjoyed. We then began to play the game, but at that point, due to a wave of excitement flowing through the hall, we lost all control of the students. No words from the students or us would calm them down. In fact no beating would calm them down. We saw kids getting ears pulled, getting slapped on the back of the head and getting whacked with a coarse rob of bamboo. It was fairly eye-opening. When we gave them surveys and accepted their individual thanks we we exhausted but awaited the 9th graders. None came. We had taken so long in teaching the 8th graders that school was almost over for the day. We will go back to the school another day. It was an exhilarating day in Hubli and there is at least another week of this. For now, we will talk to you guys later.Below is a video of a few kids playing our game.
Online Videos by Veoh.com
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
5 surgical interns...
Yesterday, the group met with Dr. Desari, the head of the Karnatika Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS). It was amazing to meet with him in and of itself--can you imagine telephoning the dean of a US medical school, and meeting him or her face to face half an hour later, just on the pretext that you want to see him, with no prior introduction? He set up another meeting that Marin and I went to this morning, with a head of a department, and now we have 5 surgical interns who will be coming with us to the Kanada schools. They will translate and help educate the students on oral cancer. I'm so excited that they have agreed to help us, because this will add credibility to our program, the students will learn well from the native Kanada speakers, and they may be inspired more by peers who have made it in the medical field than by "foreigners". I also hope that this contact will help us increase the sustainability of our project, a goal we always have foremost in our minds. I don't dare to hope too much, but we will introduce the students to Ravindra (whose NGO we are working with) and perhaps something will come of it. If nothing else, we have a valuable contact for future USC students who might work on this project. I also went to the nursing school yesterday, but so far they have not gotten back to me about getting their students involved.
Math and Numbers
So our project is getting along well. We have done some preliminary survey's in an English school and have processed the data. A high percentage of these kids know what gutka is, and they know its bad for you. Most learned about gutka from stores and most learned at the age of 11-12.
Anyways, we have also been looking into using our educational program in rural schools. Apparently 70% of the population in India is rural and while 42% of the total population uses tobacco, that number is much higher in rural areas. Hopefully we can set this up.
Finally, I am trying to embed a video of Jeff's pretty cast. Although the orthopedic surgeon told us he only had one type of fiberglass cast and that it was slightly pink, I was not expecting this. Hopefully the video works.
Also we saw that there is schools for low IQ kids in India. I'm glad to see that people recognize disability as more than something like, "you should study more!" The school's sign was in English and it was called a school for, "SLOW learners...don't laugh at us, laugh with us!"
Online Videos by Veoh.com
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Showering with a bucket and a slight foot fracture
Despite the cast, we all went to the pre-wedding bash for Mr. Desphande's son. Needless to say this was an awesome cultural experience. From eating off banana leafs to a ridiculous firework's show, this was a night to remember.
To give an update on our project, we submitted our materials to the printer so hopefully we will receive them in a few days.
Banana leaves
Enjoying the food
Pretty awesome outfits for the servers
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Move over Diwali....it's July 4th in India
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Some of our materials that we have prepared...
Facial Hair: A Chronicle

As I mentioned before, we spent our one day off in the operating room at a local cancer hospital. Below are some pictures from the surgery...some pictures may be graphic for some...
Some words of wisdom outside the hospital
Tajdip stoked before going in...
That's the patient's jugular vein...holy sh*t. See folks, this is what happens when you chew gutka, or for those in the states, those who dip. Foul.
Dharwad Pedha and Bandh

Our work has slowed right now because we're waiting to hear back from printers and translators, so the past two days have been pretty relaxed. It was really nice to run around and do personal errands. Doing laundry by hand can actually be calming.
Deshpande's son is getting married this weekend in Hubli, and they have graciously invited our whole team to the wedding. So I had an excuse to go clothes shopping. We had some Dharwad pedha from a local bakery. This is a type of sweet that's unique to Karnataka apparently. It's truly amazing. It has a texture that really melts in your mouth. It's sweet and has a thick milky taste. So good!!! And it'd be really hard to find in the US, even at Indian stores, so I'm gonna make sure I get one every time we're in the city.
There was a nation wide 'bandh' today, because of land revocation at a temple. It's essentially a strike. Things shut down and there are riots. But locally, we also had a truckers strike, so everything really was shut down today. We saw a small mob forming, and people waving flags. Hopefully the restaurants will open so we can eat dinner….
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Chew gutka? NO WAY!!!
running with the indians

When we scheduled our time in India we set aside 2-3 days each for sickness. I felt this was very insightful of us to realize that we need to schedule around illness. What we did not schedule around was the strike taking place in India. We have been told to stay in our hostels because at times these strikes can become riots. Exhibit A (the picture on the right) is from the last strike due to fertilizer shortages. That peaceful protest turned into the next picture (right). This happened no more than a week before we arrived. The strike this time is for public transportation. Despite the warning not to, I think Taj and I want to go see what this "riot" is all about. If it gets to crazy it will be like we are in Spain running with the bulls...except we will be in India running with the Indians. Jeff can't come because of his ankle
Also jeff's cute mustache is beginning to bother him. Please comment on this post with encouragement of how cool it is so he doesn't shave it for the wedding this weekend.
In other news the other group from USC arrives today. Let's hope the strike doesn't affect them getting picked up at the airport. Stay tuned!
Attack of the oil-soaked Pav Bahji

I just finished reading the book Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. The book is extremely well-written and entertains while educating readers about the Central Asia Institute and Mortenson’s efforts to build schools for children (especially girls) in Pakistan and Afghanistan. I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in humanitarian efforts (it is reminiscent of Mountains Beyond Mountains). It seems especially poignant reading it here—it encourages me to laugh at the small inconveniences I may face, because they pale in comparison to all the sacrifices Mortenson made. I can only hope to live up to his accomplishments in the name of peace and generosity with my own life and career.
On an entirely different note, Marin and I had the best masala dosa I have ever tasted today. It was at a street restaurant, Ghurudatta Bavin. The sambar was so delicious, the dosa was not too greasy, and the masala had just the right flavor. We are both still talking about how good it was. Even the cha was excellent and piping hot. And the best thing? Only 15 rupees a piece! And we were stuffed. This is all in contrast to the horribly greasy pav bahji I ate with Sagar, Taj and Jeff yesterday. These Indian-style “sloppy joes” (no meat, just veggie tomato curry and buns) were good, but each bun was baptized in a river of butter, and the curry itself was no weakling in the oil department. I felt like I was going to have a heart attack as soon as the meal was through.
On that note, I bought 1 kilo of oranges and decided to have one each day for breakfast, maybe with some cha, just to avoid grease for at least one meal per day. That, combined with morning running, may just save my arteries. I long to sample real Indian homecooking, because everyone says it is much different than all this restaurant fare. I don’t dare to eat at anyone’s house here, though, for my stomach is finally adjusting and feeling good.
A Wedding
Our project in Hubli has come to a stand still. As we diligently completed all of our materials in two days, we have been waiting much more than that in just trying to get our materials translated and printed. We have found multiple people who speak English and can translate it to the local language Kannada, multiple people who can type in Kannada, but have yet to find someone who can do both. Until we get that done our project will be at a hold and we will try to hold back our frustrations.
-Also yesterday we met with Desh Deshpande (the philanthropist giving us the money to come here) and his family. His son, who happens to be friends with my high school buddy Duncan Ma, is getting married on Sunday and we have all been invited. We have to go get some dress shirts but hopefully its open bar, we don't embarrass ourselves, and we enjoy the wedding.
Jeff is having a pretty bad string of luck. He is now peeing into bottles and aims to use our shower bucket if he doesn't get better any soon. Please pray for his ankle for his sake and for that of Taj and I. Jeff and I also witnessed a child casually defecating on the side of the street. Jeff has seriously become a different person since we saw that.
-So far I would guess I have gained around 10 pounds...who would've thought.
-We are trying to work with Apollo Hospitals (the largest private hospital in Asia) to set up a screening program in Hubli. This endeavor would bring together the public and private health sector and be a landmark event. We will update you on this possibility in the future as the event unfolds more.
I'll leave you guys with that for now. take care and please write comments on our posts.
An interesting few days here in Hubli
Just before spraining my ankle, three of us were awoken at 630 am by one of the surgeons here that we are working with to observe a surgery to treat a patient's oral cancer. 13 hours later (that's how long the surgery was), we were all in shock. It was like nothing we had ever seen before in the states. The surgeons were all extremely talented but there definitely is a huge difference between how surgery is performed here and in the States. (for one, everyone in the OR was required to flip flops...) It was also a great anti-tobacco chewing slogan in of itself. The girls in our group will have the privilege of watching a similar surgery shortly and I am sure they will share their impressions about it as well.
Lastly, I just want to point out that Indian food despite being delicious is basically covered in butter. Everything. Thankfully I have stored enough fat over the past few weeks so that I can hibernate here in my room while my ankle recooperates.
And just to keep everyone updated, we now successfully fit 7 people in a rickshaw.
Stay tuned for more commentary