Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Hi all,
I am writing you from the business class airport lounge in Hong Kong where we wrote our first post from. I am almost home. Our blog received 2045 hits while we were in India. That also happens to be the next time I will go to India. Januray 2045. Just kidding but I did meet up with Jeff during my time in HK and we talked about how life was different when not in India. Anyways, I also wanted to share with you some media exposure we have gotten: http://edition.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/07/23/usc.india/index.html yep! we're on CNN. We all wrote 2-4 posts which they should put up soon too. Instead of blogging we were writing professional blog posts for CNN so I guess thats the real reason we stopped posting on the blog. I am sure this blog will kind of die once we stop posting so there a good chance this will be the last entry until the USC team from next year goes back to Hubli. For now take care and thanks for reading about us!

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