Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Sagar: Update

I am posting this from the airport in Hong Kong. We have a 2 hour layover before our second flight leaves to India. All of us talked our way into the Cathay Pacific business class lounge and we are just relaxing. It is pouring in Honk Kong...the classic tropical summer storm. The city looks alive and I wish we could leave the airport and go exploring in the city...no distractions though as we need to stay focused on our trip to India. I just called my friends in Hong Kong (Fouad Samra and dave Namdar) and they are both doing well even though its almost 9PM and Fouad is still at work and Dave is looking to get out of the hustle of the investment banking lifestyle. (for those of you that wanted the Fouad/Dave update). We will be posting more when we get to Hubli. We land in Mumbai at 1:35Am and are staying at the Bestwestern before our flight to Hubli (on Kingfisher Air...that's the Indian equivalent of there beign a Coors Light Air). Keep comign back for updates! -Sagar


Celia said...

Good to know that your travel is going smooth and on schedule. Thanks for the intersting initial update on the trip.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sagar we miss you